The influence of climate change on lowering the level of water reservoirs
How climate change affects extreme weather events? Which aspects influence weather events? What about human influence on climate?
These are some of the issues that artificial intelligence (AI) seeks to understand. Some of them as the relationship between climate change and the effects derived from extreme meteorological phenomena.

Scientists have previously addressed this question to determine if there is a relationship between climate change and phenomena such as heatwaves. However, AI offers an enormous potential to seek solutions and determine which will be the adaptation process of different sectors to climate change.

The new methods developed with AI by a group of experts from the University of Valencia will examine the possible link and causal association with anthropogenic climate change and the prediction of future natural disasters in order to mitigate extreme weather events.

One of the aspects to consider is how the planet's resources are being negatively affected by the climatic evolution of the planet, which is characterized by the distribution, duration, and intensity of rainfall and the general rise of temperatures.

In the case of reservoirs, water levels are falling and the degradation and loss of water resources have a negative impact on the quality of human life. In addition, the increase in demand and the deterioration of water quality due to contamination, make it necessary to address this issue in order to improve hydraulic infrastructures and adapt them to new future situations.

It has been detected that there is a strong influence of rainfall and other climatic factors over the evolution of dammed water. This water resource management tool is the most important infrastructure in the context of integral management, therefore, the evolution of AI tools to guarantee correct storage will be key to guarantee the population’s general supply.

DAGA and its faith in innovation

At DAGA we have been working in more than 60 years to guarantee the supply and quality of water in all areas. Our commitment to sustainability and the environment is a commitment to the future, where technologies will play a key role in the fight against climate change and its consequences.
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